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Le vieux monde est fini - Principaux enseignements du discours de Poutine, 17 juin 2022

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Le vieux monde est fini : Principaux enseignements du premier grand discours de Vladimir Poutine depuis l'offensive militaire russe en Ukraine.Le dirigeant russe a enterré l'ancien ordre mondial et exposé sa vision de l'avenir de la Russie et du monde dans un discours clé. De nouveaux centres de pouvoir ont émergé, l'ordre mondial unipolaire ne reviendra pas et le mode de pensée « colonial » a échoué, a déclaré vendredi le Président russe Vladimir Poutine au Forum économique international de Saint-Pétersbourg (SPIEF), dans ce que le Kremlin a décrit comme un discours « extrêmement important ».
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995 days ago
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<a href="https://youtube.com/watch?v=r9wa_Yuk678" rel="nofollow">https://y...

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<a href="https://youtube.com/watch?v=r9wa_Yuk678" rel="nofollow">https://youtube.com/watch?v=r9wa_Yuk678</a>

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1111 days ago
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Daily Weather Notifications with OpenWeatherMap and Twilio ☀️ | Docs

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Let's create your first workflow in n8n. We'll create a workflow which will run every morning at 8 AM and will send an SMS to tell you if you should take a sweater with you. You can also find the workflow (opens new window) on n8n.io.

Here's a video that will take you through the process of creating this workflow.

# Prerequisites

You’ll need the following tools and resources to complete the tutorial:

  • n8n — You can find details on how to install n8n in the Installation page.
  • OpenWeatherMap account - You'll need to obtain an Access Token for the OpenWeatherMap API. You can find instructions on how to obtain that here.
  • Twilio account - You'll need to obtain the Account SID and Auth Token for the Twilio API. You can find instructions on how to obtain that here. You will also need a Twilio Phone Number. You can find information on how to obtain that here (opens new window).

Note: It might take a few minutes for the OpenWeatherMap API Access Token to activate.

# Building the Workflow

This workflow would use the following nodes.

  • Cron - Specify when the workflow should start (be triggered)
  • OpenWeatherMap - Get weather details for a particular city
  • IF - Conditional logic to decide the flow of the workflow
  • Twilio - Send an SMS
  • NoOp - Do nothing (optional)

The final workflow should look like the following image.

The final workflow

# 1. Cron node

We'll use the Cron trigger node for starting the workflow. Add a Cron node by clicking on the + button on the top right of the Editor UI. Click on the Cron node under the section marked Trigger.

Double click on the Cron node to enter the Node Editor. Click on the Add Cron Time button under the section marked Trigger Times. Since we want the workflow to run every day at 8 AM, we'll set the Mode to 'Every Day' and the Hour to 8.

Here's a GIF of me following the steps mentioned above.

Creating the Cron node

# 2. OpenWeatherMap node

Add the OpenWeatherMap node by clicking on the + button and selecting the OpenWeatherMap node. Double click on the node and create credentials for the node by clicking on the Select Credentials dropdown list and selecting Create New. Enter the Access Token that you obtained earlier.

We'll let the different fields stay as they are. I entered berlin,de in the City field. Feel free to enter another city's name. Click on the Execute Node button on the top right to get the data from the API. You can then see the data from the API in JSON or Table format.

Here's a GIF of me following the steps mentioned above.

Creating the OpenWeatherMap node

Note: If you receive a 401 error when executing your node, your API key may not have been activated yet. API keys are activated automatically between 10 minutes and 2 hours after successful registration on OpenWeatherMap.

# 3. IF node

Add the IF node by clicking on the + button and selecting the IF node. This is a conditional logic node that allows us to alter the flow of the workflow depending on the data that we get from the previous node(s).

Double click on the node, click on the Add Condition button, and select Number from the menu. Since the Value 1 (temperature) would be a dynamic piece of information, click on the gears icon next to the field, and select Add Expression.

This will open up the Variable Selector. Delete the 0 in the Expression field on the right. From the left panel, select the following variable:

Nodes > OpenWeatherMap > Output Data > JSON > main > feels_like

For the Operation field, we'll let it be set to 'Smaller'. For the Value 2, I entered 18. This will ensure that the IF node returns true only if the weather is lower than 18°C. Feel free to change this to some other value.

Here's a GIF of me following the steps mentioned above.

Creating the IF node

# 4. Twilio node

Add the Twilio node by clicking on the + button and selecting the Twilio node. Connect this node with the true output of the IF node.

Double click on the node and create credentials for the node by clicking on the Select Credentials dropdown list and selecting Create New. Enter the Account SID and Auth Token that you obtained earlier.

In the From field, enter the Twilio phone number you obtained earlier in E.164 (opens new window) format.

In the To field, enter the mobile phone number you registered when you signed up for your Twilio account. (Twilio trial accounts can only send messages to registered phone numbers. To send messages to other numbers, upgrade to a regular account.) Use E.164 format for this number as well.

You can now add the message that you want to send yourself if the temperature is lower than 18°C. This is what I added in the Message field (you can click on Add Expression and paste this):

Here's a GIF of me following the steps mentioned above.

Creating the Twilio node

# 5. NoOp node

If the temperature is greater than 18°C, we don't want the workflow to do anything. We'll use the NoOp node for that. Adding this node here is optional, as the absence of this node won't make a difference to the functioning of the workflow. Add the NoOp node by clicking on the + button and selecting the NoOp node. Connect this node with the false output of the IF node.

To test the workflow, click on the Execute Workflow button at the bottom of the Editor UI. I didn't get an SMS in my case since it was 24°C in Berlin at the time of writing this tutorial, and the workflow ended at the NoOp node.

Don't forget to save the workflow and then click on the Activate toggle on the top right of the screen to set it to true and activate the workflow. Here's a GIF of me following the steps mentioned above.

Creating the NoOp node

I raised the value of Value 2 in the IF node from 18 to 27 to see what the SMS would look like. This is how the finished workflow and the SMS looked like.

Workflow running with true output from the IF node

SMS sent by the workflow

# Conclusion

Congratulations on creating your first workflow with n8n 🥳

Did you run into any troubles while working on your first workflow? Don't be shy to ask questions or share the challenges you are facing in the community forum (opens new window), we are all learners here 🙌

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1123 days ago
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Gels hydroalcooliques : 3 sur 4 sont non-conformes d’après un nouveau rapport

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Le problème des gels hydroalcooliques non-conformes – à l’instar de la surconsommation de paracétamol depuis 2 ans – causera un nombre très important de maladies parfois graves dans le futur, si ce n’est déjà le cas. Rappelons que ces produits peuvent contenir des molécules chimiques très dangereuses pour la fertilité, ceci a été dénoncé il y a déjà de nombreuses années. C’est d’autant plus sérieux que leur utilisation est massive chez les enfants qui sont encore plus fragiles.

D’après le nouveau rapport annuel de contrôle de la Direction générale de la concurrence, de la consommation et de la répression des fraudes (DGCCRF), 74 % des gels ou solutions hydroalcooliques, soit près de 3 sur 4, seraient « non-conformes » aux réglementations en vigueur.

À l’entrée de tout établissement, à l’intérieur de nos poches ou à table, les gels hydroalcooliques affichent plusieurs promesses sur leurs étiquettes comme « tuer 99,9 % » de virus, dont le covid-19. Mais ce serait des fausses promesses d’après le bilan de la DGCCRF qui a trouvé 74 % des gels hydro-alcooliques « non-conformes » et 12 % « non-conformes et dangereux à cause d’une quantité d’alcool insuffisante. »

Résultat des prélèvements des gels et solutions hydroalcooliques. Bilan annuel de contrôle des produits chimiques, biocides et détergents, année 2020.

Que ce soit par un taux d’alcool insuffisant pour tuer les virus et les bactéries ou un étiquetage minimisant les dangers comme leur inflammabilité, les gels hydroalcooliques jugés inadaptés ont fait l’objet d’alertes, de mesures de gestion, voire d’un retrait du marché.

Instance relevant du ministère de l’Économie, la DGCCRF contrôle et veille auprès des consommateurs sur la qualité,  la composition ou l’ étiquetage des produits vendus dans le commerce. Environ 5 450 produits chimiques, biocides et détergents ont été contrôlés pour le rapport de l’année 2020.  Sur le rapport, la DGCCRF note pourtant que ces statistiques pourraient être supérieures à l’ensemble des produits sur le marché. Pour cause? Le prélèvement des échantillons analysés cible en sa majorité des produits suspectés d’avoir des incohérences ou des anomalies sur leur étiquetage ou présentation.

Science & Vie

31 janvier & 2 février 2022
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